Watch My Pal Trigger (1946) Roy Rogers, Trigger, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Dale Evans, Jack Hol Movie Review

My Pal Trigger (1946)   3/53/53/53/53/5

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Roy Rogers arrives at Gabby Kendrick's ranch hoping to persuade him to allow his horse to breed with his horse, Golden Sovereign. Despite Roy getting friendly with Gabby's daughter Susan the answer is a firm no. Whilst Gabby may be able to tell Roy what to do he can't tell the horses who escape and in an accident Sovereign is shot and Roy ends up accused of it, ending up on the run. A year later Roy returns to Gabby's ranch with Trigger who it turns out is the son of Sovereign and whilst there the real horse killer let slips what happened, giving Roy a chance to clear his good name. ... Read Review