Movie Trailer for The Little Prince (1974) starring Steven Warner, Joss Ackland, Clive Revill, Victor Spinetti, Graham Crowden, Richard Kiley, Donna McKechnie, Bob Fosse, Gene Wilder directed by Stanley Donen Movie Review

The Little Prince (1974)   2/52/52/52/52/5

Trailer for The Little Prince

Having been forced to make an emergency landing in the middle of a desert The Pilot (Richard Kiley - Patch Adams) comes to find he is met by a Little Prince (Steven Warner) who he soon discovers is from the tiny asteroid B-612. Perplexed at how this Little Prince has got there the Pilot learns all about his life from tending to The Rose (Donna McKechnie) on his asteroid, through visiting various planets before becoming stuck on Earth where he encounters a snake (Bob Fosse) and a fox (Gene Wilder) and learns all about the importance of life. ... Read Review