Movie Trailer for Billy Liar (1963) starring Tom Courtenay, Wilfred Pickles, Mona Washbourne, Gwendolyn Watts, Helen Fraser, Julie Christie, Leonard Rossiter, Rodney Bewes directed by John Schlesinger Movie Review

Billy Liar (1963)   4/54/54/54/54/5

Trailer for Billy Liar

Billy Fisher (Tom Courtenay - Doctor Zhivago) finds his life boring, living at home with his unsympathetic parents whilst working as a clerk in a funeral parlour. So dull is Billy's life that he spends much of his time day dreaming of an imaginary land called Ambrosia which he is the ruler of. And when he isn't day dreaming he is telling a spiralling web of lies which finds himself in the dodgy situation of having two fiancées and one engagement ring. The only person who really understands him is Liz (Julie Christie - The Fast Lady), an easy going free willed young woman who encourages Billy to follow his dreams, but will Billy have the courage to do so or will he stay in the rut of his dull life? ... Read Review

Tags: British Romantic Comedies