The Good Mistress (2014) Annie Heise, Antonio Cupo, Kendra Anderson, Jeremy Guilbaut, Robert Moloney, Tricia Collins, P. Lynn Johnson Movie Review

The Good Mistress (2014)   3/53/53/53/53/5

Annie Heise in The Good Mistress (2014)

Another Mistress, Another Murder

Following a drink driving incident which left a cyclist injured, Sandy (Annie Heise) decides to make a fresh start in a new town where her old high school friend, Karen (Kendra Anderson - Paper Angels), offers her a job as her assistant. And all seems good, especially when she meets David (Antonio Cupo - For Better or for Worse) who quickly charms her, coming across as the perfect guy. Unfortunately he not only happens to be married but he is married to Karen which makes things incredibly awkward for Sandy. But things become even more complicated when she learns that a woman David had previously been having an affair with was murdered, causing her to fear he is the killer.

Anyone got any spare fingers and thumbs for me as I have run out of my own whilst trying to count how many other movies I have watched which used the same idea as the one in "The Good Mistress". That idea is the setup of Sandy falling for a married man who she then comes to suspect is involved in a recent case of a missing/ murdered person making her question and fear whether she will be next. Now I won't tell you exactly what happens but will say that "The Good Mistress" is one of those made for TV movies which leads you down a certain path when it comes to who they want you to think is a dangerous individual but of course you never know, maybe there is a killer twist or even a twisted killer!

Antonio Cupo in The Good Mistress (2014)

Aside from the basic set up there are other distractions thrown in to "The Good Mistress". There is the bit about Sandy having a drink driving accident, there is the fact that David is married to her friend and there is also the owner of the apartment block who seems slightly threatening when it comes to Sandy paying her rent. These things don't add much to the movie but these subplots at least murky the waters a little and make you question whether or not there will be a storyline curve ball thrown at you.

As for the acting, well Annie Heise is likable as Sandy whilst Antonio Cupo delivers plenty of charm as David. But every single character in "The Good Mistress" is written in a generic, made for TV fashion and as such it does two things; firstly it makes them forgettable but secondly it puts a lot of emphasis on an actor's appeal to make the character interesting.

What this all boils down to is that "The Good Mistress" is a straight down the middle made for TV thriller which might entertain those who enjoy the familiar nature of made for TV movies but is likely to bore those who prefer their movie entertainment more big screen.